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Keep the Beat
Posted by kengraham
10/15/2007  9:08:00 AM
Although I have been dancing for a number of years. I can not hear the beat. Recently I started lessons in SD where the instructor is great and counts out the beat when to start.
I have asked this question many times.
How can I train myself to hear the beat, to me this is embarrassing.
Keep the Beat
Posted by Anonymous
10/14/2007  2:12:00 PM
Kengraham. Not able to hear the beat. Which is wrong unless you are stone deaf. At your very beginning the whole class should have been made to count the beats, in for instance a Waltz, aloud. After walking around for years not dancing to the correct beat. I would sit with somebody who can count. With the music playing strum my fingers on a table top to the music counting and keeping time with my instructor.After tapping out every beat, of which in the Waltz is three to one bar, I would then tap only the first beat. In the Waltz as in most dances the first beat is accentuated. All of the above should have been done in the beginning. But it isn't , is it.Good Luck
Keep the Beat
Posted by Ellen
10/14/2007  4:46:00 PM
You may be trying too hard! When I first started dancing, I found that my body could respond to the beat even when I thought I wasn't hearing it. Once, my teacher pointed out that, at the same time I was telling him I couldn't hear the beat, my head was moving in time to it!

The best way to learn is to listen to lots of dance music when you are not dancing. Don't try to "hear" it--just tap your feet or fingers to the music. Soon you'll realize what you are responding to in the music.

I found waltz music easy to hear at first, if you find a song with a clear beat. The 1 beat is usually very clear in waltz and there is rarely a lot of other percussion to confuse things. Start with trying to hear the 1 each time it happens, then when that is clear, listen for the 2 and 3.

I had a hard time hearing the beat at first, but with practice I did learn.

Good luck!

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